The Death Grip on American Media

It is blatantly obvious that the media in this country is bought and paid for, but when do we say enough is enough?

Politics in America has always been very family oriented. You had both John Adams, and John Quincy Adams for President. George H W and George W Bush, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, the Kennedys….. the list could go on and on. The fact is, we live in a country where politicians are regarded as celebrities and these politicians generally belong to families that have had a long amount of time involved with American politics. This prolonged exposure to our government should raise a few eyebrows. For one, greed can be tempting after so many decades for one person, let alone a family, as politicians generally have inside information the rest of us commoners do not have. Secondly, this enables the family to become powerful by becoming deeply entrenched in the dealings of the nation as a whole.

We all know that there are different sectors of the country that really control the general lifestyle of the masses. In fact, everything else is just background noise to the American people after these three sectors. Government, the mass media machine, and the healthcare industry are the three biggest parts of a ruling class that wants to stay in control, without violence.

The Heathcare industry is by far, the profitable arm of the machine. The exasperating cost of drugs and medical services in comparison to the rest of the free world is insaine. The pharmaceutical companies make a killing, and they know it, while bleeding dry people who are on their death beds.

Decision making is left to the government, whether it be the Judicial, Legislative or Executive Branches. It is here the lawmakers, or lawbreakers, tell the rest of us common folk what is and is not okay. All the while spinning a colorful story as to why we should be going to war with some foreign nation, or building something so completely useless with U.S. tax dollars, such as a wall.

It is however, the last piece of the puzzle we will highlight, the media and news agencies. It is here that the attack on the free mind occurs. Group think, a notion George Orwell once wrote about in his book, 1984. Here we are given the lame excuses and stories about how we should accept that healthcare is naturally expensive. How we should accept that Russia is evil. How essential it is to our lives to believe everyone who has ever practiced Islam as their faith is a backstabbing terrorist.

Day in an day out, the same message of fear, conformity and hate is spilled out to the masses.

Have you ever inquired as to how vested the messengers of this propaganda are? Asked yourself, who is it exactly talking to me behind a marble desk?

The man, or woman, behind the curtain has never before been so obvious in this country. In just one minute of research you can find two “reporters” that are directly related to prominent politicians.

Chris Cuomo, son of ex New York governor Mario Cuomo and brother of current New York governor Andrew Cuomo.

Meghan McCain, daughter of Arizona Senator John McCain.

In the 21st century, you have reporters, sworn to have an unbiased opinion in an industry dedicated to telling unslanted news, that are actually related by blood to political figures. Further, these reporters even have admitted they are slanted and biased, and you can see this every day on television. So much for the free press.

Plus, unsurprisingly, it gets worse. People such as Anderson Cooper, are actually members of the super rich of the country. Ever hear of the Vanderbilts?

Anderson is directly related to them, and we are supposed to expect he will tell an unbiased account of the happenings in American politics and foreign policy.

That which controls the flow of information, controls the people. Remember that the next time you hear some news anchor ranting about police brutality or Medicare for all. Furthermore, take the time to investigate that anchors background and who they are in bed with, for lack of a better term.


One Hundred Years of Indoctrination

It is no secret that governments lie, but what about the media as a whole? The educational curriculum? Have you ever asked yourself who makes the guidlines for an educational course? What process happens when governments decide to educate the youth of their country?

We’ve heard the same arguements before.

“Communism is bad.”

“Socialism is the devil.”

“Communism and Socialism are the same thing.”

“Democratic Socialism is Communism.”

For all the rhetoric we have heard about Marxism, Stalinism, Maoism….etc… How many of these people do you actually think took the time to research things for themselves? How many people truly research what they’re told?

Propaganda in the United States is like the propaganda peddled by all nations. China, Russia, Germany…. If we want to open up a bigger can of worms, the propaganda in this country has rivaled that of the Soviet Union and the Third Reich itself. After all, all nations are run by human beings, and each of these nations has had a figure head or “controlling class” of people running the show. This alone is enough evidence to show one major factor about the Soviet Union; though communist by nature, it was never truly Marxist. Plus, since every “Communist” country has sought to use the USSR as a model, it is proven that there never has been a truly Marxist government on the planet.

Listen to ABC, NBC, Fox News, and 99% of all news outlets in America and you will hear the same old inaccurate line: They’re all the same thing.


Not only does Communism have major differences from Socialism, there are also many different schools of thought that brush across both spectrums.

Marxist. Leninist. Trotskite. Stalinist. Maoist.

Each of these is a different school of thought, just like their leaders were different people. It is easier however, to better explain things in groups, a tool the media has taken full advantage of ever since the Russian Revolution. Granted, this ws a revolution which the United States itself committed it’s troops to prevent the creation of the worlds first communist government.

It is this thought process that has literally infected every US child since World War I until today. The only exception to this rule was when the United States and Soviet Union allied to combat Nazi Germany in 1942-1945. Then, the Red scare tactics disappeared because it was convenient for the western nations to work with the USSR.

The indoctrination has run so deep, that anything that seems remotely socialist is immediately labeled as communist. That correlation has been used to strike fear in people, so they align with the status quo, just like good little sheep. In addition, anytime something bad has occurred to a nation that is considered socialist, and this nation does not align with western views, their hardships are painted as a shining example of how communism and socialism don’t work.

This narrative is what will be used once again to discredit any opponent of Trump in the 2020 election. Outlets like Breitbart news will preach this, all while their indoctrinated readers eat it up like candy. This regurgitated rhetoric will fall in line with everything our educational system has taught us as children. A system bought by rich capitalists and paid for by American tax dollars.

In the end, it is a fear tactic used against the masses to think that if any socialism is integrated into our current capitalist system, we will all go hungry. People however have been going hungry in this country for over a century now, and for less than that, socialist programs have actually been executed successfully in the country. Medicare anyone? Medicaid?

These programs are far from perfect but they have saved lives and prevented people from going hungry. The news won’t preach that however.

The greatest hypocrisy in America is that, programs our western allies have been using, just don’t work. Universal healthcare? That has been a thing since Great Britain found itself up against Nazi Germany in 1941. Britain was fighting a war for survival at the time, and yet still made it law to cover all its citizens healthcare costs universally. So why can’t we?

Low cost pharmaceuticals? Canada and India each have medications that are in some cases 80% cheaper than their US counterparts.

Looking for countries with low cost or free public college tuiton?












All of these nations, plus more, offer free or significantly reduced tuition for their citizens.

Family leave? Child care support? Nearly every other western nation offers longer paid family leave and many of them have affordable or low cost childcare.

Meanwhile, childcare in the United States is a second mortgage. People die without the ability to afford their prescription drugs. Plus, many senior citizens simply can not retire due to cuts to Medicare, not to mention the large sum borrowed by Ronald Reagan and his cronies in the 1980s.

Coincidently, Reagan was also a huge advocate for pushing anti-communist rhetoric, reigniting the Cold War which plunged the US into debt, and partly causing the collapse of the Soviet Union. The man is hailed a hero in the nation while being directly responsible for the drug crisis of the 80s/90s and destroying the middle class. The 1980s recession alone can be attributed to his desire to use the economy for the benefit of the super rich, and for militaristic means.

This reality though, is not spoken of in the news. What is though, is the same tired old argument about how socialism is just as bad as communism. Even if Scandinavian nations are largely socialist and their citizens are among some of the happiest on the planet.

Our media and educational system is built around a belief that the United States is always right. When in reality, we’ve become increasingly more wrong over the years. The powers at the top however, in dire fear of losing their wealth, rather invest large amounts of money to indoctrinate the US population so they can remain in power. This is the main purpose for the propaganda campaign. It is also why US and British business interests partly financed the rise of Hitler’s Germany; because Hitler made it so publicly known he despised Communism. Once again however, the US educational system will not tell you that Prescott Bush donated money to the Nazi Party in the 1930s and early 1940s. Or that Ford Motor Corp and Coca-Cola worked with Germany during the war, even after the United States and Germany were at war with one another.

Similarly, US schools won’t provide a public education on how to balance a check book. Or how to garden and grow your own food. Or how to do your own taxes.

Self-sufficient citizens are dangerous to the status quo. This is why things like Common Core Math are taught, and history is white-washed to portray America as the beacon of peace and freedom on the globe. Indoctrinated citizens are easier to control.

Those who control the news, entertainment, and education of the country, control the country. Next time some puppet behind a news desk tries to preach how crazy universal healthcare is, remember who owns them. It is not the American people.


Call To Power

Today, Bernie Sanders announced his bid for the White House. Having been the underdog of the 2016 Presidential campaign, Bernie ending up having the primary cheated out from under him in a vivid display of corruption. This time around, it is time that we the people send the message, in numbers.

If you are a Bernie supporter or even thinking of being a supporter of the Bernie Sanders campaign, now is the time to act. We the people did “it their way” when Trump won the 2016 election. The differences between the super rich and working class has never been greater. The Trump administration has proven itself the most corrupt administration since the Reagan administration, and has been a global embarrassment to the United States.

Trump has caused more problems in Syria, foamed at the mouth over Venezuela, and engaged in a shouting match involving petty insults with North Korea-a situation more directly diffused by China than the United States. We continue to battle Russia as if it is The Cold War, and are putting the lives of our children and grandchildren at risk with the blind eye that has been turned to climate change.

Now is the time. It is the time for ordinary Americans to rise up and demand change. It is time for the American people to take their country back from the cancer of political corruption in this country and to fight for their kids and grand kids. It is time to demand that the super rich, pay their fair share. Time for large businesses and corporations like Amazon, to pay their due taxes.

Do you remember how Trump said he was going to drain the swamp? Does the last two years prove to you, Donald Trump is part of that swamp? That he has friends there and interests in businesses involved with that swamp?

Ask yourself, is this country safer, more economically sound, or better off than it was in 2016?

If you answered no, then now is the time for change! It is time to fight for the rights of all people, not just a select few oligarchs who only care to line their own pockets. It is time to make this country great by acceptance of people of all religions, sexual orientation, and color. It is time to stand up as Americans, and not divided peasants frantically scrambling for leftovers to feed their families, or pennies to pay their electric bill. It is time to invest in the education of our workforce, and our children. It is time to stop endless wars in foreign nations. It is time to take care of our veterans and their mental and physical health. It is time to join the rest of the civilized world and demand affordable and universal healthcare for all Americans.

It is time to defend the middle class, to make the American dream a reality again. It is time to fight for the American way of life as it should be, not a life of hatred and division, but of unity, dignity, peace, and strength!

If you agree with any or all of these points, then it is time to stand up with your fellow Americans that are tired of the hatred, division, impoverishment, and fear tactics, and stand up. Take a stand in your community and fight with the one politician who had spent over fifty years fighting for the people, against all odds.

Take a stand. Make your voices heard, now. Get ready to take your country back.

It is time.
