The Unsilent Majority

It is time to set the record straight. Time to accept the facts that the United States is a kleptocracy. Time once again, to educate those that seek to take cheap shots at Bernie Sanders and his supporters, generally corporate Democrats and Trump supporters, and give them a debate based on facts. Facts that prove we have lived through corporate extortion, because quite frankly, enough is enough with the plundering of America’s workforce and middle class.

We are back and more involved than in 2016. However, things are different for us the second time around. We were sick and tired then, we are fed up now. We are not going to shut up because other people don’t want to hear it.

We are not so nieve to think the DNC won’t try to rig the primaries against Bernie. In fact, we are counting on it. Yet, to sit by idly while oligarchs keep themselves above the law and keep the power out of the American people is an injustice. We refuse to sit by and let the rich have their way while our neighbors starve because they can’t afford enough groceries for the week. Or watch senior citizens pick and choose what pills to buy because they’re too poor to afford their medication.

Things in this country need to change. If you think that we are the greatest country in the world, and have the best of everything, I ask you to reevaluate the current situation of our country. Specifically:

The heroin epidemic.

The treatment of our veterans.

The wealth disparity in our country.

The incarceration of a vast number of Americans.

Our prescription drug prices in comparison to the rest of the world.

The unsanitary water in our country.

The amount of additives in our food.

The federal minimum wage.

The costs of college education.

The costs of housing.

The obscene costs of child care.

Our endless foreign wars.

The use of archaic energy as a primary source.

Our growing national debt.

Now, I don’t think everything will magically change if Bernie does become this nation’s next president, but it is a start. There is alot of work to do in this country, and it doesn’t entail pissing our allies off, coddling dictators, watching people die because they can’t afford medical care, or having students spend the majority of their lives in debt due to crushing student loans. These aren’t examples of people who “suck at life” but rather the struggles of many everyday Americans. Ordinary people scrounging to make ends meat, while CEOs at tax dodging companies enjoy their eighth yacht outside their second villa in the Caribbean.

There are clear reasons why we are lagging in education and life expectancy compared to our European allies and the rest of the world. Perhaps it is time to learn from their examples, so people in this country don’t keep getting sick from dirty water, or have entire families fall into despair because of massive hospital debt when insurance companies refuse to cover essential life sustaining services.

We won’t move forward as a nation if we leave half our people behind. I can refer you to dozens of examples where nations did that and they eventually collapsed. The Ottoman Empire, Tsarist Russia, The Austrian-Hungarian Empire, The Byzantine Empire, China, Cuba, Imperial France in the late 18th century…

A selfish nation is not worthy of governing.

A selfish nation is a nation not worthy of existance. The selfishness in this country by the haves is appalling, and it is quite literally killing the United States of America and the American people while destroying the American dream.

It’s time to make that dream a reality.

We remain vocal because we demand fair wages as a human right.

We demand clean water as a human right.

We demand food free from chemicals and additives as a human right.

We demand air, free from pollutants from non renewable energy as a human right.

We demand affordable healthcare as a human right.

We demand affordable childcare as a human right.

We demand honest pay for honest work as a human right.

We demand the right for a woman to choose over her own body.

We demand the legalization of a plant and the end of petty laws designed to keep private prisons full.

We demand equal pay for men and women.

We demand a stop to the endless wars bankrupting our country.

Where demand a future for our country, where our kids can live in comfort.

In the worlds “greatest nation” it is embarrassing to have to defend these views. It is even more embarrassing when we are defending these views from someone who first hand is barely keeping their heads financially above water. We must end the brainwashing of this nation. People need to see the value of themselves and their worth.

We must end the propaganda campaign corporate media pushes on the American people. We must encourage free thought, if we are to break the chains placed on us by the establishment.

Bring up these above points with the opposition. Mention how Amazon and Netflix paid zero in taxes in 2018. Or how three families own more wealth than the bottom half of America’s citizens combined. That’s over 160 million people.

Fight with facts. You will find that most critics of the Bernie Sanders campaign are I’ll informed, and are lacking in facts if their own.

It’s long past time we took a stand for ourselves


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