Another American Fabrication

Once again, here we are with another Bernie campaign and another tirade of outright lies by American mainstream media. Is anyone really surprised though? In a nation built on “free press”, the press has committed another flagrant violation by skewing the truth.

Yesterday, the campaign of Beto O’Rourke, a candidate who couldn’t even oust the likes of Ted Cruz out of Texas, announced that they raised 6.1 million in the first twenty-four hours of donations. That’s a pretty number, the New York Times, CNN, and NBC immediately touted as higher than 5.9 million for the Sanders campaign. What didn’t they mention? The fact over 4.5 million of this 6.1 million amount was raised during Beto’s failed campaign in 2017/2018 for the Texas Senate.

This 4.5 million is money Beto allegedly gave back to the Texas Democratic Party, raised over the course of his senate campaign. Then, looking over his donor list, the Texas Democratic Party gave the money back to him after his Presidential announcement. So no, Beto O’Rourke did not raise more than Bernie Sanders. In fact, he doesn’t even come close.

The following link shows a list of donors to Beto’s campaign and is quite revealing:

Further, not one of these respectable news outlets gave any numbers on the number of donations and who exactly donated to Beto’s campaign. Later in the day though, it came to light ex-Obama staffers were behind some of these donations. It certainly is looking like the Democratic Party is aligned behind their next Hillary Clinton, in which case we risk yet another Trump term. Yet, this will all somehow magically be Bernie’s fault, even though the press in this nation can’t go a day without telling a falsehood, nevermind an hour.

This is what the media does in America.

The media pushes out a statistic and then pushes it on the civilian population to sway public opinion. It does this all to the bidding of its owners, the elites in this country, to lead the masses to a specific cause. It makes a half-truth, fact, in the hopes people will be too preoccupied to actually do any research of their own. Plus, if the people don’t have the time to do the research by working sixty plus hour work weeks, it is a win-win for the media bureaucracy.

CNN, ABC and NBC are an embarrassment to journalism. They’ve become nothing more than a bad joke that’s gone on for far too long. The New York Times, a once respectable newspaper, is now about as factual and sourced as the National Enquirer and Daily Star. The latter, tabloids dedicated to satire and outright outlandish claims.

We are witnessing text book yellow journalism at its finest. A propaganda campaign insulting to any normal American with a functioning brain. Perpetual filth meant to contaminate American voters to vote for a candidate the establishment is financing.

Congratulations goes to the American media as a whole. An industry bought and paid for that has successfully made their “stories” harder to fact check than Big Foot and The Lochness Monster.


Just Say No To Joe

Recently, America’s corporate media has been pandering to the idea of a Joe Biden campaign. They have largely used Biden for his name recognition and the fact he served as vice president under Obama. Biden, is a Neoliberal. Just another mask over a figurehead the establishment wants and the media hopes you don’t figure out the difference.

On nearly every major issue in this country, Biden has proved he is far from what the country needs. While anything is better than the lying hypocrite in office we have today, Biden isn’t really that much better. A senator for nearly all of his political career, Biden’s home state of Delaware is a prime example why we can expect more of the same corrupt leadership with a Biden Presidency.

Corporations love Delaware. It has the most relaxed laws for them, and allows them to dodge taxes like kids dodge homework. Some of the largest corporations in this country, Dupont, Apple, Coca Cola to name a few. The use of incorporations in this state has allowed these businesses to milk the system. In fact, over 60% of Fortune 500 companies take advantage of this loophole today. Never once did Biden address this, much less contest the actions of these companies. This alone, should show how Biden is bought and paid for but wait, there is more! Biden voted his support for the repeal of two parts of the Glass-Steagall act put forth by the Clinton administration. In part, it is believed this influenced the financial crisis in 2008.

It goes further than that though. Biden stood by while the United States continuously bombed numerous middle eastern nations in the name of security. He has stayed silent in the numerous conflicts we have involved ourselves in.

Biden has also stayed silent against the pharmaceutical industry and never once mentioned anything about the legalization of marijuana. He has however called for the incarceration of more Americans per the 1994 Clinton crime bill. As such, he’s turned a blind eye to the private prison business in the country.

Yet another example of Biden’s ineffectiveness is the Clarence Thomas investigation. Biden was to advocate for Anita Hill, a woman who brought forth the sexual harrassment Clarence Thomas imposed on her at work. Biden’s efforts have been largely criticized as not doing enough to show the severity of Clarence’s actions. This invoked an outcry from womans rights activists across the country.

Joe Biden may be as old as Bernie Sanders, and quite experienced, but his record suggests a politician who has once again given into the big interests running America. He is nothing more than the same corporate liberal the Democratic party would love to push on the people.

No Joe, we can do without you.


The Unsilent Majority

It is time to set the record straight. Time to accept the facts that the United States is a kleptocracy. Time once again, to educate those that seek to take cheap shots at Bernie Sanders and his supporters, generally corporate Democrats and Trump supporters, and give them a debate based on facts. Facts that prove we have lived through corporate extortion, because quite frankly, enough is enough with the plundering of America’s workforce and middle class.

We are back and more involved than in 2016. However, things are different for us the second time around. We were sick and tired then, we are fed up now. We are not going to shut up because other people don’t want to hear it.

We are not so nieve to think the DNC won’t try to rig the primaries against Bernie. In fact, we are counting on it. Yet, to sit by idly while oligarchs keep themselves above the law and keep the power out of the American people is an injustice. We refuse to sit by and let the rich have their way while our neighbors starve because they can’t afford enough groceries for the week. Or watch senior citizens pick and choose what pills to buy because they’re too poor to afford their medication.

Things in this country need to change. If you think that we are the greatest country in the world, and have the best of everything, I ask you to reevaluate the current situation of our country. Specifically:

The heroin epidemic.

The treatment of our veterans.

The wealth disparity in our country.

The incarceration of a vast number of Americans.

Our prescription drug prices in comparison to the rest of the world.

The unsanitary water in our country.

The amount of additives in our food.

The federal minimum wage.

The costs of college education.

The costs of housing.

The obscene costs of child care.

Our endless foreign wars.

The use of archaic energy as a primary source.

Our growing national debt.

Now, I don’t think everything will magically change if Bernie does become this nation’s next president, but it is a start. There is alot of work to do in this country, and it doesn’t entail pissing our allies off, coddling dictators, watching people die because they can’t afford medical care, or having students spend the majority of their lives in debt due to crushing student loans. These aren’t examples of people who “suck at life” but rather the struggles of many everyday Americans. Ordinary people scrounging to make ends meat, while CEOs at tax dodging companies enjoy their eighth yacht outside their second villa in the Caribbean.

There are clear reasons why we are lagging in education and life expectancy compared to our European allies and the rest of the world. Perhaps it is time to learn from their examples, so people in this country don’t keep getting sick from dirty water, or have entire families fall into despair because of massive hospital debt when insurance companies refuse to cover essential life sustaining services.

We won’t move forward as a nation if we leave half our people behind. I can refer you to dozens of examples where nations did that and they eventually collapsed. The Ottoman Empire, Tsarist Russia, The Austrian-Hungarian Empire, The Byzantine Empire, China, Cuba, Imperial France in the late 18th century…

A selfish nation is not worthy of governing.

A selfish nation is a nation not worthy of existance. The selfishness in this country by the haves is appalling, and it is quite literally killing the United States of America and the American people while destroying the American dream.

It’s time to make that dream a reality.

We remain vocal because we demand fair wages as a human right.

We demand clean water as a human right.

We demand food free from chemicals and additives as a human right.

We demand air, free from pollutants from non renewable energy as a human right.

We demand affordable healthcare as a human right.

We demand affordable childcare as a human right.

We demand honest pay for honest work as a human right.

We demand the right for a woman to choose over her own body.

We demand the legalization of a plant and the end of petty laws designed to keep private prisons full.

We demand equal pay for men and women.

We demand a stop to the endless wars bankrupting our country.

Where demand a future for our country, where our kids can live in comfort.

In the worlds “greatest nation” it is embarrassing to have to defend these views. It is even more embarrassing when we are defending these views from someone who first hand is barely keeping their heads financially above water. We must end the brainwashing of this nation. People need to see the value of themselves and their worth.

We must end the propaganda campaign corporate media pushes on the American people. We must encourage free thought, if we are to break the chains placed on us by the establishment.

Bring up these above points with the opposition. Mention how Amazon and Netflix paid zero in taxes in 2018. Or how three families own more wealth than the bottom half of America’s citizens combined. That’s over 160 million people.

Fight with facts. You will find that most critics of the Bernie Sanders campaign are I’ll informed, and are lacking in facts if their own.

It’s long past time we took a stand for ourselves


Bernie in New Hampshire

It was another cold day in New Hampshire, when a storm made its way into the state again. March snow is certainly nothing new for the Granite State, but this storm came with a sense of familiarity. As the clouds and first flakes came in, a crowd of people began to form outside one of the capital city’s venues. These people were from all walks of life. Young and old, black and white, male and female. The small crowd gradually grew from a few dozen to well over seven hundred while they eagerly awaited the doors to open.

These people, much like the snow that fell this morning, packed in together. They crowded a single large room in the venue, and they all came for the same reason; to ignite a fire in New Hampshire and the rest of the country again. These people came to see Bernie Sanders.

It is aside that Bernie spoke of Medicare for all. Aside from the continuous campaign to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. It was different than the usual talk of billionaires making more money in a day than some people make in a lifetime. No, this occasion was highlighted by the fact that Bernie stood tall once again, and told a mixed crowd of supporters, we are in this for the long haul, and more importantly, we will win the Democratic nomination for President and defeat Donald Trump.

Yet, as we all know, it is not enough to simply beat one man. One con artist, one puppet. The movement needs to combat all the special interests in Washington.

The Prison complex.

The military industrial complex.

The pharmaceutical industry.

The corporate lobbyists and Citzens United.

Bernie laid all these things on the table once more, but there was another message that rang loud and clear that echoed throughout the room.

We will not be cheated again.

This was not my first time seeing Bernie in person. I had seen him before, a couple weeks after the 2016 election. It is safe to say he had the same energy, perhaps even more than in November 2016, this time around. However, the 2020 campaign rings different in the fact that the passion of the Bernie campaign is as strong as it was towards the end of 2016.

Here, in 2019, Bernie has amassed the same grassroots support as he did all during his 2016 campaign, and this supporter base will only grow in the months to follow. The fact Bernie still had a packed room in a snow storm also provides the perfect metaphor.

We are the storm, and we are many.

You can call us snowflakes, but we will work together, we will bring the house down.

We are not going to go away at the first thaw however. We are in it through to the White House and beyond.

We are ready and we are mad.


The People Have Spoken

The evidence is blatantly obvious for the DNC that seeks to try to rig the democratic primary; the gig might be over before it ever really got started.

By now, unless you have been living under a rock, chances are you have heard of the two rallies Bernie held the past weekend. The embarrassment known as our mainstream media will complain and whine about how a “rally” isn’t what is necessary so far ahead of the 2020 elections.

To put it bluntly, these self-entitled crybabies are wrong.

For one, since early 2017, Trump has been masquerading around holding rallies and the media has barely said a word.

Secondly, the establishment is scared.

With puppets like Booker, Harris, and Beto, it has become very clear none of them can legitimately win against a Bernie campaign. So desperate now are the oligarchs that they are putting feelers out for any interest in Joe Biden, which is laughable at best.

The Hillary camp has also kept the door “slightly ajar” which is a complete joke when the American people have made it abundantly clear that they do not want Hillary.

While Harris and Booker have tiny showings of a few venues that are not sold out, Berine Sanders had a crowd of over thirteen thousand people show up in Brooklyn.

Over eighteen thousand people showed up in Chicago the next day.

We the people have spoken. These two rallies alone show that Bernie by far has the support of the people and no one is even close in comparison. What’s crazy is that these crowds will likely grow even larger as the election draws closer.

Do not let the corporate media lie to you. Kamala Harris has next to nothing in terms of grassroots support. Joe Biden has less than a quarter of the same support in New Hampshire, and that’s being generous. The poll being paraded around the media that Biden is close to Bernie is a fabrication, plain and simple.

The clear frontrunner, even more so than Hillary in 2015 before Bernie announced his 2016 campaign, is Bernie Sanders and there is no way he can lose a legitimate primary contest.

A picture is worth a thousand words. They used the excuse last time around that the majority of Bernie supporters were not old enough to vote. That bullshit was a lame excuse then, and three years later, it is as obsolete as the Neoliberal agenda spouted by the Democratic Party today.

Yesterdays rallies in Brooklyn and Chicago are the proof, Bernie should easy win the nomination this time around. Our job, is to make sure we don’t stand for him being cheated again.
