Bernie in New Hampshire

It was another cold day in New Hampshire, when a storm made its way into the state again. March snow is certainly nothing new for the Granite State, but this storm came with a sense of familiarity. As the clouds and first flakes came in, a crowd of people began to form outside one of the capital city’s venues. These people were from all walks of life. Young and old, black and white, male and female. The small crowd gradually grew from a few dozen to well over seven hundred while they eagerly awaited the doors to open.

These people, much like the snow that fell this morning, packed in together. They crowded a single large room in the venue, and they all came for the same reason; to ignite a fire in New Hampshire and the rest of the country again. These people came to see Bernie Sanders.

It is aside that Bernie spoke of Medicare for all. Aside from the continuous campaign to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. It was different than the usual talk of billionaires making more money in a day than some people make in a lifetime. No, this occasion was highlighted by the fact that Bernie stood tall once again, and told a mixed crowd of supporters, we are in this for the long haul, and more importantly, we will win the Democratic nomination for President and defeat Donald Trump.

Yet, as we all know, it is not enough to simply beat one man. One con artist, one puppet. The movement needs to combat all the special interests in Washington.

The Prison complex.

The military industrial complex.

The pharmaceutical industry.

The corporate lobbyists and Citzens United.

Bernie laid all these things on the table once more, but there was another message that rang loud and clear that echoed throughout the room.

We will not be cheated again.

This was not my first time seeing Bernie in person. I had seen him before, a couple weeks after the 2016 election. It is safe to say he had the same energy, perhaps even more than in November 2016, this time around. However, the 2020 campaign rings different in the fact that the passion of the Bernie campaign is as strong as it was towards the end of 2016.

Here, in 2019, Bernie has amassed the same grassroots support as he did all during his 2016 campaign, and this supporter base will only grow in the months to follow. The fact Bernie still had a packed room in a snow storm also provides the perfect metaphor.

We are the storm, and we are many.

You can call us snowflakes, but we will work together, we will bring the house down.

We are not going to go away at the first thaw however. We are in it through to the White House and beyond.

We are ready and we are mad.


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